ACE Institute
Fradeani Education

Course facility
ACE Institute

The ACE Institute - Advanced Continuing Education - is the course facility founded by Dr. Fradeani in 2000 hosting his most important hands-on courses for dentists wishing to train and specialize on the restorative techniques developed by him and daily practiced on patients.

Located next door to Dr. Fradeani’s Clinic, over the years the ACE Institute has become a benchmark for all prosthodontists. Accommodating up to 36 people, the conference room is equipped with state-of-the-art technology and offers audio-visual professional connection to all the rooms in the facility. The upper floor is provided with 18 operative lab-stations for hands-on sessions.


Fradeani Education

Fradeani Education is an educational project involving a team of expert keynote speakers which aim is to share and promote worldwide an Italian model of excellence in dentistry.